Welcome to the website of St. Ambrose Catholic Parish in Garrettsville, Ohio. Located in a quaint village in northeastern Portage County, the parish is a tight-knit family of worshippers who cherish their rural way of life. The vibrant faith life of the people give witness to the presence and love of God among the family of St. Ambrose.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT Through our baptism, we, the family of Saint Ambrose Roman Catholic Church,
are chosen and called to be the body of Christ.
As a community of faith, we gather to give thanks and praise to God
through prayer, worship, and the celebration of the sacraments.
Gifted by God and guided by the Holy Spirit, we continue the mission of Jesus
by sharing our faith and reaching out to others in justice, mercy, and love.
Together, we strive to grow stronger in our love for God and one another.
On February 9th, we celebrate World Marriage Day! Let’s take time to pray for our spouses and each other to lift our marriages. Do something special for each other this weekend to show your gratitude for your spouse and their YES! Your goal in this Vocation of Marriage should be to get your spouse to heaven. Take time to ponder in your heart how you can do that, starting right now. Married couples will receive a blessing at the end of Masses on February 8/9 weekend.
Stop by the Hall after Mass on Sunday, February 9, for a Donut Social. Introduce yourself to someone new or visit with old friends and acquaintances. All are welcome.
If you would like your 2024 contribution statement for tax purposes, please fill out the form included in the bulletin. Statements will be prepared only for those who request them. You may place the form in the collection basket or bring it to the rectory. Thank you.
St. Ambrose Parish in Garrettsville is hosting their St. Patrick’s Day Reverse Raffle on Saturday, March 15, at Sugar Bush Golf Club, 11186 St. Rt. 88, Garrettsville. Doors open at 6 p.m. Only 100 tickets will be sold and each $100.00 ticket includes one number and up to two dinners (must be present for dinner; no take out). The event includes dinner, DJ, 50/50, side boards, basket raffle, and cash bar. Grand prize is $1,000.00, every 20 draws receives a prize, and buy back is $20.00. Proceeds to benefit the St. Ambrose Maintenance Fund (new Rectory roof). For tickets or more information, please contact Matt Ryser ([email protected]) or Jackie Rinearson (216-375-0709 or [email protected]).
The St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus is hosting a charity fundraiser through Cal's Restaurant & Pizza Express in Garrettsville that benefits the K of C Scholarship Fund and Garrettsville-Nelson Food Shelf. Grab your family and friends and enjoy a fabulous meal at Cal’s, present the flyer to your server, and Cal’s will donate 10% of your purchase directly to the St. Ambrose Knights! Download & print a copy of the Cal's flyer (https://www.stambroseonline.com/outreach-service - scroll down to find K of C section) or pick one up in St. Ambrose Church’s vestibule.
The St. Joseph Mantua Knights of Columbus Council #3766 and the St. Ambrose Garrettsville Council #11801 hosted the 2025 Basketball Free Throw Contest for boys and girls ages 9 through 14 on Saturday, January 11, at the Crestwood Intermediate School gym. Twelve young people participated and contestants received a Certificate of Participation and each age/gender category winner receives a special prize. Winners now progress to the Regional competition that will be held at Garrettsville High School on February 22. Congratulations to all!